Transposable | Teen Ink


April 13, 2017
By _musicandwriting_4 DIAMOND, Simms, Texas
_musicandwriting_4 DIAMOND, Simms, Texas
57 articles 2 photos 15 comments

We text, but not as much as when we first started talking

Now... It's like you're sleepwalking

Like everything you do is an everyday routine

You two talk daily and is my be possible you both talk more than you and I do that it's umpteen

Maybe I'm just psychotic and worry about the impossible

I worry because of the fact that life is transposable

Worrying is in my nature and I don't want to have to worry about you

This gives me anxiety and I don't want to lose you to you know who

If I lose you it'll be my fault and I know I will have to paint because it's on my shoulders

In the end I'll have to stay bottled up and return to the soldiers

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