Two Bleeding Wounds | Teen Ink

Two Bleeding Wounds

May 26, 2016
By Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jada23 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was only one who really knew me. You were the only one who understood me.Two bleeding wounds with throbbing pluses and both deep inside. Two that should stay together but are gone. Two bleeding wounds broken apart by skin. From my mind, I can feel the hurt, but Jake just runs and doesn’t check back.
Their hurt is unbearable. They send blasting impulses to the heart. They get better and they get worse and hit your heart like a truck and nip at your feelings and never leave you alone. This is how they hurt.
Let one forget his reason for leaving, they’d fall like an airplane in the sky, each with their passion for each other separating. Leave, leave, leave I say when I’m alone. I remind.
When I am too broken and too bleeding to keep holding, when I am fighting against something so unforgettable, that’s when you stop. When the only option left is to stop thinking. Two who remember to regret themselves. Two who leave but one believes in staying.  Two whose only option is to leave and leave.


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