The School Poem | Teen Ink

The School Poem

May 14, 2015
By GabeAwesomepants BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
GabeAwesomepants BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Im cool&quot; <br /> - Me

On my very first day of school,
I thought it was pretty cool


Boy was I wrong!
School is not where I belong!


However, over the years I have learned a lot,
I will tell you what I’ve learned and other skills I got


In Kindergarten, when I was young and babied,
My teacher taught me how to write, count, color and read


In first grade, when I was youthful and shy
I learned how to add, divide, subtract, and multiply


In second grade, as I was getting smarter,
I learned about science, history, fractions and grammar


3rd to 5th grade went by so fast,
Learning about decimals, chemicals, and dudes from the past


6th to 7th grade were good years for me,
I made new friends and I was becoming a teen


Out of all my school years, 8th grade was the best,
I became really close to my friends, and realized how great it is to be an adolescent


And last but not least, 9th grade is where I am now
I’m nervous about next year, but I’m sure I will find a way to enjoy it, somehow



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