the only thing i lied about was the time | Teen Ink

the only thing i lied about was the time

November 21, 2014
By clurr GOLD, Davie, Florida
clurr GOLD, Davie, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light."

12:01 A.M.

thanks to you i know what it feels like to be touched so softly that it burns through your skin. it’s been three days and it’s still hurting.  maybe you were so drunk that you forgot exactly what happened. i was so high that i couldn’t even breathe while i was kissing you.  goddamnit, i did the only thing i knew how to do.  i inhaled you, and now i’m breathing you and no matter how many times i vomit at the memory, so spontaneous that it kills me, you’re still inside of me. 
i am breathing you
i am breathing you
i am breathing you

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