We're all just broken strings, my dear | Teen Ink

We're all just broken strings, my dear

October 7, 2008
By Allana SILVER, El Segundo, California
Allana SILVER, El Segundo, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Im not her”
“Im not her”
she mumbles
as if this is enough

But her protruding angles
they disturb some,
They stick out
To blatant,
for most
And they judge
as I judged
That this girl
who mumbles,
whos angles stick out
is different
And her neon signs
Reflect her indecency
and I want to ask her
if its worth it
To have these signs
and these angles
But im afraid,
im just like them
And thats just it-
Im afraid
And she shuffles by
a banshee,
with that scarf around her head,
and those mismatches shoes
And my words,
they stick in my throat like jelly

And then I mumble,
Because I know it’s enough
“Im not her”
“Im not her”


This article has 2 comments.

luna said...
on Oct. 18 2008 at 2:31 am
good question.

*Tw!$tEd* said...
on Oct. 14 2008 at 3:34 pm
Then who exactly are you?