I Am From…. | Teen Ink

I Am From….

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I am from a place of poverty,
A lonely and isolated property
On the other side of the Pacific Ocean,
All because of my dad’s promotion.

I am from a world unlike this nation,
Where the government is at its foundation
The people suffer and slave all day,
For meager, little, and maybe no pay.

I am from a world that is unsupported,
Where citizens views are distorted
The cause of this is corruption,
For the economy is near eruption.

I am from a nation that is considered third world,
And the pollution is enough to make your hair curl
The dictator seem empowered,
But on the inside he is just a coward.

I am from a country of friendly people,
Who attend a mosque instead of a steeple
It is sad for me to truly know,
That the people of Indonesia will always be below…

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