Watching from Far Away | Teen Ink

Watching from Far Away

October 29, 2007
By Anonymous

I'm watching you from far away...
making mistake after mistake
I know that soon your heart will break,
I know the beating that you'll take

But I'm powerless to stop you,
I'm helpless, I cannot carry you through,
You must do this on your own...
I can't be there to save you

Some say that I don't know who I am...they're right
I don't know when to quit, I'm always ready and willing to fight,
but when it comes to protecting my friends,
I have to assure them that the heart eventually mends.

'You'll thank me for this later'--It's a phrase I often use...
I just hope your love isn't the next thing that he'll abuse
yet I must watch you from far away, taking life day by day,
watching you struggle along your own way,
wondering what price you are willing to pay.

Look up the sky in a song of prayer when you are feeling weak...
Let me be your gaurdian angel my friend, let me be your rock,
let me be your staff to lean on,
let me be your dock.

In the end, I'm just watching from far away,
I'm trying to look out for you, theres so many things about him that I wish you knew the way I do...
It'd make my job a lot easier
This time though, its not about me,
its about you, about being free...

to make whatever mistake you please...

I'm just watching you from far away.

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