Evangeline | Teen Ink


April 13, 2010
By Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
47 articles 7 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than hands?<br /> <br /> -Ernest Gaines.

I seek to see the shrouded face
of the angel that I’ve found.
She fell from on high, from heaven above,
she fell on toward the ground.

Her wings were tattered and broken
so I gave my shoulder to bear.
She was beautiful even with the scars
though looked fragile enough to tear.

I found that light within the dark
as she had shown me the way.
Now it’s my turn to care for her
and I love her more each day.

She held my hand and gave me sight
of her final resting place
where music notes swam bout like fish
through golden rivers in space.

One day she said her wings had mended,
it was time to make a choice.
Either stay with me till end eternity
or return to that sea of noise.

Now I’ve grown up, the years have passed
yet I still look towards the sky.
Laughing as my angel comes riding back home
on wings thought never to fly.

The author's comments:
-dedicated to the girl of my heart, may you continue to steal it away and keep it safe forever, till we reach our own place of amazing grace-


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