Last Words of my Great Great Aunt Betty | Teen Ink

Last Words of my Great Great Aunt Betty

April 25, 2023
By CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Girl That Bob!!!" -SL

It was cold in her room

It had a bed for her

A white sheet spread

Gray pillows for her head

She cried from her delusions

Her father stood at her feet

She saw his horses standing in the heat

Her voice was cracked

I saw her panic 

I couldn’t help with her manic

She rolled towards me

She stared at me with no glee

I walked to her bed

She said what he said

She whispered a story

One of her farm

She cried about the end to her father

And traveled back to her crooked farm

The author's comments:

I was assigned to write a Last Words poem this one is somber based on my great great Aunt Betty. I hope you enjoy it!

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