basement monster | Teen Ink

basement monster

June 28, 2021
By s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. you are your own voyeur -margaret atwood

Open the basement door a creak

One foot on the stair

Come on, I say, don’t be meek.

There's nobody there.

A rumbling comes from the back of a throat

Rises from the depths of the dark below

A few more steps- watch me go!

Deep growls I hear, drawing near

What is that monster that I fear?

Prowling, waiting, at the bottom stair

This menacing machine does not care

Dad says it heats the house

I snort, likely story for this hunter

Creep downstairs like a mouse

No time for any sort of a blunter

It waits for little kids like me

No, stand your ground, don’t you dare flee

It whispers for its prey

Come down, it says, play

It watches for you

This stalking thing

Ready to snatch you

The basement’s king

It rules the dark!


It's the furnace in the basement.

The author's comments:

shel silverstein is great inspo for poems

another one i wrote for school


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