The essence of transcendentalism | Teen Ink

The essence of transcendentalism

November 11, 2013
By kenny Pham BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
kenny Pham BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My thoughts on non-conformity.
To me non-conformity is a element of transcendentalism, that all transcendentalists should have. Non-conformity is the act of not following the hype, or the trend, but it is more of you becoming your own self. Following your own trend, and doing everything in your own style. How this fits into my life is by me choosing not to wear the most hype clothing out there, like OBEY,CROOKS & CASTLES, JORDANS,etc. Mostly because I'm fond of wearing them, but instead i choose to wear what I think looks good and what I like to wear. Another way this fits into my life is by how I do what I want to do, and not what the crowd wants, such as: if the crowd were to want to buy a certain game or the newest iphone, I wouldn't really buy those things because everyone else is getting one, but if i did want to buy them it would be my own chose of wanting to buy it. And that to me is what non-conformity is in a nut shell.

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