Introduction To Imagination (My Story) | Teen Ink

Introduction To Imagination (My Story)

May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Here's the thing about authors, you get to know them through their works, through the story they lay in the fiction that you read. The problem is that are you really getting to know the author because you are reading a story, which is a figment of their imagination. I have a point here just keep reading. I promise you'll either be glad you did or not, but it's your fault you picked up this silly ol thing.

Think of your favorite book, now think of your favorite character in that book, picture their hair then their eyes and slowly imagine the rest of them. Image the way the stand and the way they walk, now image that character looking at you. How will their eyes change from the moment that they're looking at the ground to the moment they're looking directly at you. What emotion is that character feeling now?

By now this character is pretty alive in your head right? I know I have so many questions but this is all relevant. That character you picture will never match anybody else's. You may have the same character but the thing is you will see you and your desires in that character despite how many differences you have to them. You give them confidence in the way they walk or or maybe you made their eyes warm and gentle when they looked at you.

How will all of the relate to an author you may ask? We are all characters. You imagine what I look like and that voice that's reading this in your head is how you image mine is right? Maybe i'm wrong and you haven't pictured me yet. But what I can tell you is you're picturing me now, now that I've brought it up. By my words how old do I sound to you? Am I confident? Smart maybe? Or do you see me as annoying with one to many questions?

That's the beauty of imagination, you can create what you want with it. You can see a dark gloomy place where others might see light and hope there. Right now as I write this i'm imagining you, the reader. I'm imagining kind eyes skimming across the page, slightly oblivious to what's going on in this very second as your eyes skim across this line of text. I'm imagining your hands touching the paper, and your nose slightly gets closer to the book as you read on.
My imagination may be right on or can be totally wrong but that's how I see it. Some people say imaginations are for children or they don't have one. Well what i'm going to say about that is that they're lying. And if you are one of those people. I've made you use your imagination more than once in the last few minutes without you realizing it.

This book is my story, my life, I'm not going to tell you who I am, what my name is, what I look like. All that is your job, the purpose of this novel is for you to get to know me with no strings. I don't know you, you don't know me. I'm writing this for you reader, imagine me as you read and learn more. Slowly I will come alive enough in your head that I will be as alive as a person you might see on the street. So without further or do, Welcome to my life with every excruciating detail. Enjoy Reader.

The author's comments:

I've wanted to finish this, but in doing so would be a lot of re-living my life for the novel. Ahaven'tavent found the courage. So heres the first page reader. Tell me what you think.

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