The Boom Year | Teen Ink

The Boom Year

April 27, 2016
By Aleaha BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Aleaha BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life each day as a 8th grader can be really crazy you have to get ready for high school and meet new teachers. All the surroundings start to change and for me that is really going To be hard since i am shy . You get higher expectations since you in “high school” so people look at you as a young adult . My school now is very small we barely switch classes so i see the same faces each day . I am very scared to graduate. High school is going to go by so slow and i am not excited about it at all . My 8th grade teachers is working with me to help me look at schools that i want . My school was a option. Meanwhile at school everybody is upset we is hearing bad news my school is closing after we graduate . Now the year is really gone go by quick . I am very sad each day but then it get worse my principal get fired . It was just so random . One morning Mr. smally was not there to shake our hand . I went to a Catholic small school so it was about 130 of us in the whole building . Every morning all the staff members will wait on us to shake our hand and greet us .I  hated it a lot but i got use to it . But one morning some one was missing . I felt a weird vibe because alot of teachers was crying . I did not quit understand until the school came together in big group . They was saying our funds was running low . I did not see why because each student had to pay 100 dollars a month just to go there . But Mr. smally visited us and promised he would be at our graduation in june . That made a lot of people feel much better not knowing it was a bad storm in store for us . It was just the begin of this rocky year . Us as a team as a school did not let that bring us down we took in our new principal and stuck it out . Something was really weird about Mr. A . It was like he had something in on our school and it was not for the better . As soon as i thought things was going good but weird all the black teachers at my school vanished . Not to mention My old principal was black and he is no longer here either . Everybody really wanted to go crazy then . No more teachers in the school . So then we thought now what . Of course he cleared the school out to put all his friends in there . There was all new teachers so we had to get use to new personality’s . Its like starting off fresh all over again and we had little time left. Just in a few months i will no longer be in grammer school. Just Saying that out my mouth made me get chills. Anyway even though Mr. A was weird i kind of grew a bond with my teacher Mr.D and Ms. K . I could tell they wanted to help me . Closer and closer getting to my graduation im starting to get ready. Im now 13and starting to feel the teenage world. Lucky me i live right across the street from the school . But At home was not so great . It felt like only at school i can feel free so i started acting out . Me and my big sis was getting into fights a lot and i am becoming rebelious . I then get my act together and graduation is about 8 months away. Me and my big sis then get close and close. She was getting ready to graduate as a senior and go on to the navy. I was kind of sad because the last days we was getting so close . She then told me she would not be able to attend my graduation because she will be going to the navy soon . She then told me that She will make sure she call me and stay close contact. Then here comes the Boom. I actually believe in when people say when things are going good it is always something bad in store for you . It was October the 29th 7A.M on a saturday in was getting dressed to go to school for my basketball game. I was rushing a lot because i was running late. I went into the room to tell my grandma and sister that i will be home soon but my sis was sleeping . My grandma was listening to me and told me to come home right after school . I went to the game and we won . I did not come home right after school i made it back to the porch at exactly 3:00 . My grandma then bussed out the door and said tell your sis to answer me . Them words then made me rush in the house . Its like as soon as i made it passed the front door i felt something weird come to mind and it hurted my heart . I then Started running to find my sister laying on her face dead. Boom thoughts running through my mind. I did not no what to do at all . My bestfriend helped me turn her over . I panicked a lot . It hurted my heart to Know at 13 years old my sister was never coming back . She was the oldest child so we looked up to her . It really hurted me because the conversation we had was saying she was not going to be able to make it to my graduation because she would be in the navy . Thoughts of painful things that i ever said to her came to mind . Flash backs all started happening at once . I did not no what to do because my grandma did not know how to walk my mom was visiting memphis and my brother was out of town . MY MOM HOW AM I GONE TELL MY MOM  i then began to break down even more . I thought how could she leave me so soon now all i have is memories and pictures .

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