Life? | Teen Ink


April 16, 2016
By Anonymous

 You wake up in the morning with red, puffy eyes because you found yourself crying last night over something that won't even matter next month or even the next day. Your life has been so hard with all the school work and the extra work that you are trying to get through to ensure that you get to go to a good high school. You still get out of bed because you know you have to go to school, but you don't really want to. You don't want to go to the place where you're judged just because if you turn your work in on time and you give 100% effort they say that you're a nerd, but if you try to be cool and turn it in late kids look at you side eyed. So you wonder what are you supposed to do and why is it so hard to get through school when it is supposed to be a place catered to you?


You get through the day of school and you are relieved that it is over but you know that you still have all that homework. Homework: a thing that teachers gives students so that they can work on it at home after they've drilled it into your head a million times in the classroom. You're going to do it though because you know that if you don't the consequences are worse than if you just did the homework. Then you think: Teachers really want us to be focused in class and is mad when somebody is falling asleep in their class because they stayed up all last night doing Homework. It makes you really mad so you try not to think about it. You know that the teacher is only there to help you and not hurt you.


You get home and do your homework and come to the dinner table to eat the dinner that when you said, " I don't know", to your mom she made the exact opposite of whatever you wanted. You still eat it though because you are hungry and you frankly don't want to eat a bowl of cereal this is what your mom would tell you to eat if you said you didn't want what she cooked. After dinner you get ready to take your shower and you wonder to yourself as you look in the mirror in your bathroom: Did I do anything fun today? You take your shower and go to sleep right away after because for some reason you were very tired and you don't know why.


The next day when you get to school your so called friend is side eyeing you and she's acting kind of weird. She does not talk to you for the whole day and at lunch she sits by the girl that you both "supposedly" hated. You feel terrible but quite frankly you don't care because deep down you never really liked her any way. You sit by yourself for lunch, that day and you are lonely. After lunch in math class the teacher calls on you for the one question you didn't know the answer to and you didn't even raise your hand for. After giving an answer that you thought made some type of sense the whole class laughs. Your face turns red and you want to scream to let it out but you don't. You know that if you do that you'll get laughed at even harder. You try to laugh along to play it off but deep down inside you feel terrible. You can't wait to get home that day.


As you are laying in your bed you wonder why has this been such a terrible week for you. You want to give up on school but you know your mom will never let you do that. You wonder why is life beating you down the way it is. Life is not supposed to be so hard especially at the point of life I'm in: Middle school. It's supposed to be fun and extravagant like the movies are. Well the movies lied. Life is supposed t o be a roller coaster of ups and downs you tell yourself, but it seems like I'm only getting the downs and not the ups. This thing called life is supposed to be a great thing but I guess this part in my life is just going to be hard. 

The author's comments:

It's the struggles of teenage life. 

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