Multiple Lessons Of Loss | Teen Ink

Multiple Lessons Of Loss

December 16, 2014
By Hannah Morgan BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Hannah Morgan BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” This is a quote by Helen Keller. I think this proves that if you have never dealt with hardship in your life, you will not have very much character or personality. One of the things I have overcome that helped me build my character is my sister’s dad, Jack, dying.
Seeing something so tragic happen to someone so close to me felt like being crushed. If you have ever been really close to someone, so close you’re almost emotionally connected, you know how hard it is to see them upset. That is how it was with my sister and I. She is my rock. I felt alone because I did not have anyone to go to. I felt hopeless, and I did not understand why I was so affected.
However, when I thought about how it affected me, I realized I was afraid of losing my own dad, for I only go to see him once a month. When I looked at Jack’s lifeless body all the memories of being with him for brief moments came flooding into my mind. It made me think of when I saw my dad regularly, when he was still a major part of my life. I was also upset that he was gone because he was a great guy and I did know him well enough to be affected, but I also had a different problem.
After I took the time to think about how much I take my own dad for granted, I noticed I was grieving for not only the loss of my sister’s dad and her pain, but also for feeling insufficient to my father. I felt as if I had failed him as his only daughter and he would never forgive me and I would never have a chance to make it up to him. Once I got over the loss of Jack, which took longer than I thought, I started working on not taking family for granted because his passing made me realize how quickly things like this can happen. I’m still working on improving myself as a person for my family.
Overcoming Jack dying was harder for me than I ever could have imagined. Today, I still think of him, and I am still afraid to lose my dad. I don’t even go see him anymore unless I have to because I’m too afraid of being hurt. I’m still trying to overcome the internal battle, but the external part of showing my feelings is over.

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