Sweet Tea | Teen Ink

Sweet Tea

April 16, 2014
By Aly2014 BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
Aly2014 BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dude quit drinking all of my sweet tea! Mom buys it for me and only me! That’s why she lets me drink it out of the jug!
Well you need to quit being selfish and share, and be a nice sister!
I’m always nice to you. Name one time I haven’t I haven’t been nice to you.
Right now! Because you won’t share the dang tea! So just quit being dumb and share.
I ain’t dumb. You’re dumb.
Yeah well you’re dumber than a dumb person.
Sorry little man. No one’s dumber than you. Now give me my tea before I shove my boot up your butt.
If you shove your boot up my butt then I’m going to kick you in the face with MY boot.
You won’t do crap! You know I can woop your butt with my hands tied behind my back.
Only because I’m 12! That’s why you always win when we wrestle.
Dude it doesn’t matter if you’re 12! You’re the same as me! AND we were in the same kick boxing class so you know the same submissions as I do! AND you were in wrestling!
So what! That don’t mean anything.
Face it man. I’m just stronger than you. So just give me the tea and this will be done and over with.
Hmm..no. I think I’m just gonna finish the rest.
Chans, if you finish that tea then I will come into your room when you’re sleeping and I will spit in your mouth. Then I will go back to bed and sleep like a baby.
You’re such a liar. So I’m gonna go ahead and finish the tea.
Man, I don’t even care. I just texted Mom and she said that’ll she’ll bring me more tea on her way home.
Whatever. I didn’t want to drink it anyways.

The author's comments:
This story is based on an argument my little brother and I had. I take sweet tea very seriously.

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