One Secret Reveals the Rest | Teen Ink

One Secret Reveals the Rest

October 12, 2016
By CheAnastasia BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
CheAnastasia BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you - Maya Angelou

I didn't know what to do or How to feel in that moment my first reaction was just to sit in my room for hours frozen stuck in my in my thoughts " this cant be happening." "What am I going to do?" I felt like I was stuck in a nightmare. What made it worse was I told him and it seemed like he wasn't even fazed by it. I felt so overwhelmed with emotion I didn't know which one to feel first " should I cry?" " should I scream?" " maybe I'll laugh it out." Next thing you know im doing all three. "I'm just going to sleep and maybe it'll magically disappear." But when I woke up the next morning nothing changed and my world was still coming to an end.


At home I felt like I was faking everything . I had this giant life altering secret and I just could not tell anyone at least not yet. Days went by then weeks then a month and I finally felt like I could do it I could tell my mother or someone what was happening. But every time I built up the courage it all just went away and i couldn't do it anymore. Then one day i was brushing my teeth and my mom came into the bathroom and locked the door and asked me " Taiche do you have anything you need to tell me?" my body immediately started to shake. All I could think to myself was " do I tell her the truth or keep lying?" But before I knew it my body started to tremble that I had no  control over and then tears started to slowly pour down my face  . my eyes were heavy and red and I felt like my heart had s to my stomach  then she said to me " if you can't say it then text it to me , I will not yell ." So I took out my phone and then a tears that felt like rushes of water came out of my eyes as I started to type my confession " mom I am so sorry but I am pregnant."

Next thing you know she looks at me and walks back in her room comes back out and leaves the house. Flashes of that moment flooded my mind all I could see was the disappointment on her face replay over and over in my mind  . I felt like maybe if i disappeared she wouldn't have to deal with this and all the pain I just caused her would go away.   My mother was gone for two hours no one knew where shes was or what she was doing or why she was gone. Well Except me I knew why she left she hated me she wanted to scream and yell and tell me I was a disgrace to our family.

She finally came back and I didn't know what to expect. when she got close to me all this fear rushed in my body but then it went away because she did the most surprising thing ... she hugged me then said " I already knew Taiche." And again I started to cry but this time i felt relieved.  After that we e just sat in my room that whole day talking about how this happened and what my plans were and then we started to laugh and smile and everything started to become alright again.

Suddenly I felt maybe everything was going to be okay and I could get through this. I was having a baby and it was okay, because I didn't feel so alone anymore, I wasn't alone anymore and I knew that this was going to be something good and something that will make my life harder but i will get through it and come out stronger.

Now my relationship with my mother is so much stronger and even though it took something this big and dramatic to help it grow I am so glad that it did , i don't ever have to hide anything from her at this point , yes I am going to be scared and sometimes it might take a while for me to say things but I know that nothing can ever be worse then telling her I am pregnant.  All I know is that we'll grow together and our bond will become stronger everyday and hopefully never be broken.


The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to share my story about finding out I was pregnant and having to tell my mother and how I won't let being pregnant and a young mom hold me back but let it show me now its time to work harder

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