Pin Covered Jacket | Teen Ink

Pin Covered Jacket

January 21, 2016
By samjennings BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
samjennings BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A person's clothing can say a lot about someone. The way they wear it, the colors that they choose, the patterns, slogans, and graphics printed onto the shirt, they all say something about that  person's personality. So if you saw a girl walking along with a jean jacket covered in pins, what would that make you think? The girl is me, and to me those pins show different traits about me to other people, they show what I like, things I do, places I want to go, but when I look at them myself, I see memories. You could point out any pin and I would be able tell you the entire story behind that one, I could tell you exactly how I felt, and who was with me, I could tell you where it was, and for a couple of the pins I could tell you the exact date. Overall when you add up all of those memories, you get my memory of a lost friend, the pins were something that we had bonded over, they were something that I kept to remind myself of her. Each and every pin on that jacket I had gotten with her, the first pin that i had put on there was a pin that read “I’m Batman” in yellow letters on a black background, I got this one in sixth grade when I first became friends with her, we were at a comic book store and after an hour of convincing me to get a Batman comic book, I finally caved. Up at the register there were a bunch of pins in a bin, but the one that I noticed was the one that said “I’m Batman”, i didn't pick it up at first but then the cashier said that the pins were all buy one get two free, and so I picked up two of the Batman pins, and an iron man pin. I gave one of the Batman buttons to her, and I kept the other one. At the time I was already wearing my jean jacket, and even though at the time I didn't know it, when I put on that first Batman pin followed by the Iron Man pin, it was the start of something that I would still do to this day, even without my friend in my life anymore. When she died I all but tore those jackets apart, without her I thought that it would be stupid to continue, because I couldn’t share this with anyone anymore, for a good week I looked at the jacket as a sad reminder of her death, it took me a while to realize that this reminder of her wasn’t sad because I could never do it with her again, it was the happiest reminder, because when I looked at it I saw her, and I heard her voice, the jacket was an embodiment of all of the good memories that I had with her, now when I look at the jacket I see her, and when I wear it I feel like I am walking the hallways of Indian Crest with her laughing about something stupid on the way to our next class, I feel like she is still here in my life, I can see every memory of her running through my mind, smiling at some, and crying at others. My jacket is the reminder that my best friend will always be with me, and that even if I didn't have this jacket, I know she would still be with me, and I know that one day I will see her again, and we will laugh about all the new pins I had collected, and I would tell her all the new stories that go with them.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about after a friend of mine passed away. We had been collecting these pins for a while and I put them on my jean jacket. After her death, I continued to do so, in a way carrying on her memory.

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