Power of Pictures | Teen Ink

Power of Pictures

December 1, 2015
By AndresFelipeTroncoso BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
AndresFelipeTroncoso BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pictures are like stories caught in a frame. Some of them tell sad stories or mysteries, and some get people’s best moments; moments that are memorable. I always thought that pictures were boring because even though they capture a moment, they also freeze it. My family took a picture about 7 years ago in Colombia, where I’m from. This picture of my family and I was taken four days before Christmas. We had a family reunion and that meant we got to be together as one and have fun and enjoyment.

I remember the food we had. The food was tasty and  had the christmasy look with ham, pork, mashed potatoes, empanadas, and bunuelos. Parties before christmas are a little different in Colombia, mainly because of the the food. Bunuelos are one of the best things to eat in the holidays. They are made with farmers cheese, shaped like a ball and then fried. If I had to describe a holiday with my family in one smell it would be bunuelos.

Our house was always well decorated. My family, especially my mom, always strived to have a pretty house inside as well as outside. My mom has always been a decoration freak. She loves to put ornaments and decorations all over the house. We always had the coolest christmas tree because even though we wouldn't buy ornaments every year, my mom would have the best ideas on how to make our tree look awesome. One time, we wrapped golden and red fabric around our tree, with both colors overlapping each other. It was the best idea ever. My mom also decorated all the bathrooms, putting red and green carpets and towels. She would even buy different soaps for every holiday.

I remember my family having fun that day. The adults were talking about adult’s stuff, like gifts and bills. On the other hand, all the boys were playing video games or hide and seek, while a few girls were helping out with the kitchen. Maria Alejandra who is my closest cousin and I would mostly play Wii games or would hang around the dining table eating snacks.

As I said before, I used to think that pictures freeze moments. Then, I realized that after living in the U.S. for two years, I was starting to forget how things were in Colombia. But after I saw this picture, it made me remember all those fun memories with my family. It even made me remember some moments with my friends from Colombia. In that moment I understood how powerful pictures actually are.

The author's comments:

this piece was inspired of a picture i found going through my old stuff.when i saw it i felt like i had to write about what i felt when i saw it

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