My First Dog and Me | Teen Ink

My First Dog and Me

October 13, 2014
By KruxAthens BRONZE, Merrill, Michigan
KruxAthens BRONZE, Merrill, Michigan
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My first dog and I got along together no matter what, until his incident he had to be put down. We did enjoy lots of happy times together. I got him on my fifth birthday from my eldest brother and Dad. I was excited that day like I’ve never been before. “My whole world lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July”.

“So what do you want to name him?” my Dad asked me. The thought hadn’t occurred to me yet so I thought about it, but alas I had no luck in thinking of a name. That’s when my Dad suggested an idea, “What if we name him Soxs because his feet look like they have socks on.”

When I heard the name, I knew it was perfect. So Soxs and I began our friendship as dog and human. Over the years we grew even better as friends; I taught him how to fetch and sort of shake my hand, but he didn’t always do that. He was the one who my parents brought to school the day my Aunt died, for while they all went to the funeral I went to school. He was the Lewis to my Clark, the Orville to my Wilbur Wright. Also, compared to our other dogs, he was the only one we could keep out of a cage in the house. We shared many times that I can’t recall, but I know he was with me and I with him.

Unfortunately Soxs wasn't always the greatest dog, but what dog is? He would mess in the house when we didn’t take him out, or get lost by breaking the chain he was on and reek havoc on the house and trash. One time it was worse than destroying plants or trash bags. We were coming home from going to the store for groceries and other household items and we heard a ruckus from inside of the house. My Dad fumbled for keys as the noise in the house started to sound like the African savannah had just been placed in our backroom. Finally my dad got the door open and we were astonished.Soxs was attacking my Mom’s toy poodle, Snooks. 

When my Mom saw she was in tears for Snooks was in our family for almost eight years. That was Soxs first incident,and from then on we watched him because we had a feeling he would attack us next. From there Soxs was good for a long time and we forgot about watching him and then it happened. It started as a normal school day; we had recess , class and then home. That day my brother was picking me up. I was excited because I enjoyed it when someone other than my mom picked me up. I got in the car, then he said it, “Soxs had to be put down,” those words hit me like a train at high speed. My 3rd grade self was having trouble comprehending what my brother had just told me.

Between confusion and tears rolling down my face I managed to speak “What happened?” My brother started  the tale from where it started earlier that afternoon.

“Well, Mom and I were taking the dogs out like normal, Mom had picked up Shadow who was the dog that replace Snooks a few months after the first incident. When Mom picked up Shadow, Soxs bit Mom’s leg and he wouldn’t let go…” Aaron finished telling the event where he got Soxs off of Mom and he took him to the vet. In present time, I’m still unsure if he actually took him to the vet or if my brother shot Soxs himself. After Aaron finished, I cried and cried for it was too much.

I remember thinking “No No my nightmares are coming true.” My Mom and Dad tried to calm me down but I was still upset on the inside.

When I went to school the next day, I was unlike myself for I’m usually very energetic but that day it was like I had died inside. One of my classmates, Haley, asked “What’s wrong?”

With that I solemnly wrote on my Journal cover “My dog died.”

She made an “Oh” expression and I knew she understood. I still remember the heartache and pain of feeling dead inside today. Even a few days later I felt better but there was a part of me missing that would remain missing forever.

Then a day or so later, maybe a week, my Mom approached me and asked me a question. “Do you want a new dog?”

My heart leaped for my answer “YES!” Then she told me what she meant, for the day before at work a lady came in saying that she was looking to get rid of nine pomeranian dogs.

My mom told the lady that she would check with me and get back to her. So two days later my Dad and Aaron drove me to my Mom’s work and I got to choose which one I wanted. I choose a black one, after I choose, the lady told me he had a name already, “His name is Gizmo,”

I responded with, “I like that name!”

Thus I was heading home with my new dog, “Now Ryan, when you're holding him in the car don’t open your mouth,” my Dad warned me. Me being a wonderful me, opened my mouth. That’s when Gizmo’s long hair got in my mouth and stayed there nice and cozy. So as I was riding home I had fun picking hair out of my mouth. Thus began the tale of me and Gizmo a tale that spans to today, but Sox and I will never end. I may have Gizmo now but Soxs will always be my 1st dog no matter what and the times we shared will stay with me forever. To honor Soxs I incorporate his name into some of my passwords and stories to always remember him and never forget him.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece from my heart and wish it to be heard by others

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