The things I carry | Teen Ink

The things I carry

June 12, 2014
By Eric Hall BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Eric Hall BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Things I Carry

My backpack has gotten heavier over the years. I remember when I only needed a few folders and a pencil box. Once I hit middle school my backpack began to expand. Instead of folders and a pencil box I needed binders. Now I say I carry quite a bit in my book bag. There are five books that are important in their own individual ways. Then there are a total of 3 binders and one folder which is for math. If you go into the smaller pocket in my bag you might even find a pair of sock and the charger for my iPad. I don't carry these things by choice but because they have became apart of my everyday life for ten months a year. These are also the keys to my future well not the socks but the binders and folders. Even though I don't choose to carry them they are very important so I'm glad about it. My pockets are a bit different. The things I carry in my pocket are more personal items. There's my phone which is very important and I can't leave the house without it. Then there's my wallet, pick and writing utensils. My wallet holds my Charlie card, student ID and money. My pick is there to keep my appearance up to part. The utensils are for school in which I write papers and take notes. I literally feel naked if one of these items are missing, I've been carrying these items for a long time, well at least every since I have began highschool. They hold individual significance.
Those are just the physical items I bring along with me everyday. Intangible things are more complex and are things I hold my self accountable for keeping track at all times no matter the circumstance. For example the self respect. I make sure I carry that everywhere I go because then it's easier for me to be respected by others if I respect myself and have character. Character goes a long way in life and help you swim through society much more fluently.
I carry pride around on a daily basis as well so that I can persevere throughout day. I am motivated by my pride, this pride was given to me by my father when I was baby. He made sure to distribute the pride evenly between my two siblings and I. Me father gave me many items he gave me respect for women as well. When I say respect for woman I'm not just talking about the basic door holding type respect but the kind where I always keep in mind that I have a younger sister and mother. I can never leave that at home!
A positive attitude is something I keep with me but honestly certain people tend to knock it out of my pocket, but I make sure to pick it up. Look at the cup half full not half empty.
My favorite thing to carry and is the most important to me is my sense of humor which I prefer to wear on my sleeves. A sense of humor Is very important because I like to laugh and I enjoy making people laugh. I feel as though people would rather be around you if you had a sense of humor as opose to if your a "cornball" and is always uptight with no sort of joy or laughter in your diet. But I must always remember that there's a time for jokes and laughter then there are the times when you are supposed to be serious and "about your business" as my father would say.
Every day when we walk around and through our daily lives we all carry physical and intangible things that are very important us. They become so apart of our lives that we feel a little odd with out them. We almost need these things to survive and get through life.

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