Christmas Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

Christmas Gone Wrong

November 1, 2013
By brittney waller BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
brittney waller BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I cant believe that its all over. we will never have the same Christmas again. she was the glue that kept us all one big family. I now have to understand that she wanted to go and she didn't mean to cause any of us, her family, any harm.

My Aunt Luann had past not too long ago actually. It was only last month and we had the best times with her. We, me and alex my brother, were her great grand kids so we didn't see her much often and we all should have but we definitely visited her at least once a year during christmas; if not more. Luann was the caring grandmother that would spoil her grandkids and great grand children just to see a smile. She would come up with silly games and things to do just so you wouldn't be bored.Luann was the type of person that would greet you with respect and could make you laugh even though you had just met. She loved and cared for us as much as she could. If she was here i could guarantee you she would love us even more.

Before we eat and swap our presents we always read the bible. Different members of the family read a few pages out of the bible each year and this is special because its a family tradition. its been going on for so long we just about halfway through the bible; and trust me the bible is a very long book. This year it is my turn to read bu so was last year and i hope i can get out of it again! We gather everyone into the family room and it get really crowded and hot because of all of us in one room. so not everyone sits. we use the living room and part of the kitchen just for people to stand and listen. We all now are and silent as we can be while the lucky winner who gets to read the bible would read now. The room goes silent and the children are trying not to laugh because it is too quiet. All of us are patiently listening to the speaker, understanding that christmas isn't only for presents but its the time to give thanks for everything you have.

Every year on Christmas Eve we celebrate at her house. the whole family shows up. and the best part is it's never awkward to talk to any of them because even though we don't see each other for years its that one day on christmas eve we all stand together. members bring food and we have about five tables filled with food. sometimes we even get a chef to cook some gourmet meals. after the dinner buffet we have dessert. and let me tell you there is probably more dessert at our Christmas Eve party than Halloween and Easter combined. there are some homemade and some bought from the store. Every year its still always a surprise because everyone tries new foods and desserts and we all talk together and have a great time. Its a wonderful time because even after a few years of not seeing each other and no even a phone call once in a while we all still have something to talk about.

At the end of our night and at the end of mingling with all of our family members we have a gift swap. This is also another tradition that has been going on for a while. A few weeks ahead of time, we all as a family get in touch over the phone or Internet and we come up with a list of who gets who in the gift swap. We go out and find a gift for that person; thinking that they would like. This helps us as a family understand each other more and connect. Looking at their interests making them happy. Plus Christmas time you give presents to celebrate all the all the good times you've had together and you cherish the moments that are still among us. We tried to create memories and it's important that we are carrying on this tradition because not only showing that we can all still be one family but to keep these traditions going is like she is still here and like she had never left. Imagining that she is still keeping us all together.

“A Thousand times we needed you, A thousand times we cried, If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died, A heart of gold stopped beating, two twinkling eyes closed to rest, God broke our hearts to prove he only took the best never a day goes by that you’re not in my heart and my soul.”

My Christmas will never be the same again! We are worried that we may not even have our Christmas tradition as usual without Luann. She was one of the most loving person i knew. I am going to miss her terrible along with the rest of my family.


"In Memory." Family Friend Poems. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

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