The Angel | Teen Ink

The Angel

October 18, 2022
By Mburton BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Mburton BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking out of the door holding my keys in my hand I feel the cold silver brush against my palm. I look down and see the dime-sized keychain. The silver, pink, and white angel dangles next to the pink furry pom pom. I open the door to my car, get in, and press the button to start it. After shifting the car into drive, I glance at my keys in the cupholder and see the angel. Driving down the road, the radio blasting, and the angel keychain by my side, it gives me a sense of safety and comfort. Such a small angel on my keychain can make such a big difference. 

Sitting in the wooden booth with a ruby red cushion lining the bottom, the sound of different conversations mixed with a sizzling sound bounces off the walls. The dimly lit room gets filled with the smell of freshly baked rolls, steak, and cinnamon. The waiter brings out my birthday dessert while my family is sitting beside me. The slightly melted ice cream with hot fudge drizzled over it is the perfect end to an amazing dinner. But then my mom hands me a couple of cards, a big bag, and a small box with Happy Birthday plastered on the top with a big bow. She tells me to save the small colorful box for last. I open the cards, read them thoroughly, place the money back inside, and then thank whoever gifted the card. Then I open the bag, pulling out a roadside safety kit. Sitting in the booth confused since I don’t have a car yet, I thank my grandma and pick up the box. I lift open the lid, my heart racing, and see a car key. Gasping, I ask my mom if she is being serious. Thanking her a thousand times, my grandma hands me a tiny mesh bag with a tiny keychain inside; I slowly pull out the keychain revealing a small angel. My grandma, being a huge believer in God and Religion, always knows what to say and how to make you feel better. She has very soft features and shoulder-length brown and silver hair. Her all-black outfits and her beautiful rings are a big part of her personality, very quiet but makes a statement. She always stays positive even through the hard times and she is one of the strongest people I know. She loves giving gifts and never shows up anywhere without something to give. 

The tiny angel was the first thing I put on my keychain. I took my flowered wrist strap, with a rose gold clip on it, and struggled to slide my key fob onto it. Finally, after 5 minutes, I got the keys onto the strap. Then I clipped the angel onto the hook. Staring at the empty keychain I knew it needed more. So, I added a pink pom-pom, an M keychain, and a tiny pink and blue hedgehog.  Even though it gets covered up by all of the other things on there, it's the biggest thing on my keychain, somehow it makes me feel safer in my car and always knows something is looking out for me. 

The first time I saw my car, I was amazed. On the way to pick it up, I was so excited. Sitting next to my mom I talked about all the places I could go and all the things I was going to put in my car. Then we pulled up to an auto shop in the middle of nowhere. After walking through the doors, I see my beautiful glittery, blue car with tinted windows, black rims, and tan interior. Getting in my car and looking at everything, I was so amazed. It had all of the things I needed: Heated seats,  a backup camera, amazing air conditioning and heat, an automatic car starter, and a touchscreen. I’ve waited 16 years to be able to drive and today was the day. I put my keys into my cupholder, pushed the break, and started my car. The engine automatically revved and the car was ready to go. I sat there in awe before putting the car in reverse and backing out of the garage. The car moved smoothly and I shifted into drive and followed my mom down the road. Turning up the radio, I finally felt the freedom of being a teenager. I didn't have to ask for rides anymore, no more not being able to do things because I can’t get there, it was all taken care of. 

I’ve had my car for about 2 months now and my angel has watched over me the whole time. The tiny little angel has made me feel so much safer and more confident when I drive. Not only is the angel looking out for me, but I know my grandma is too. Now that I have the keychain, I seem to keep more value in the little things; I try to value time more, people more, and even tiny little keychains. You never know what you have until it's gone, so you can't take for granted what you have.

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