My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 6, 2020
By jamogitts BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
jamogitts BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jamison is a basic, yet complicated name. It makes me think of my grandma.. The number five. Five is in the middle and I like that. Also my birthday is the 15th of November. But, the true origin of my name comes from Ireland and Scotland. That is why all the old men that know my name ask about the whiskey.

Jamison sounds like a light, yet strong brown. With streaks of rich gold hidden within it. Someone once said that Jamison reminds them of yellow. An obedient and wise golden retriever. Maybe that is how people see me and my name, as an obedient golden retriever. I like that.

But, when I think of Jamison I think of my grandma.  She is the one who gave me my name. My dad wanted my name to be Trey. I really like Jamison though. People always recognize Jamison as being unique. I can thank her for giving me that. I like that my grandma gave me my name. I was born on her birthday, we were bound to be similar. Both are the only ones in the family with curly hair.

Jamo is my fun, but everyday alter ego. Jamison is the grown up, mature version. I am not quite ready to become that yet. I am getting there. Jamo will always be the little kid trapped inside of Jamison’s adult body. The silly little kid will always be there.

Since 6th grade it has been Jamo. I like it because it is short and informal. I like that I am thought of as a golden retriever. The yellow from their coat and the light brown with yellow and gold blend together. Like a wise golden retriever; I do try to be everyone's best friend. 

Jamison seems very stuffy but very outgoing and kind. But, in person I am very wild and unpredictable. Being unpredictable is kind of a good thing though. That is why Jamo seems like me more.

I love my name. I don’t think any other name would suit me as a person. Jamison is my name, but Jamo is who I think I really am. I choose the relaxed, best version of myself. No matter what my name is.

The author's comments:

This essay is about my name. Names can help you break down a persona and really get to know them. This memoir is mimicking Sandra Cisneros, who made the name essay in the book "House on Mango Street. 

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