A Lasting Friendship | Teen Ink

A Lasting Friendship

October 11, 2018
By avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Twists and knots of pale, barely there colors, fading as the days end. These strips of cotton are braided to perfection and secured around our wrists. It's meaning, beyond words, but so deeply embedded within. At the time of careful construction, thoughts of trust and friendship were racing through our minds. Our bond, developed over the years, will never be lost or forgotten by the distance soon to be increasing between us. After we finished tying them to each other, we smiled and remembered all the laughs we shared and the memories we had made. The endless giggles filled that night and lasted into morning hours. Every day, that special bracelet reminds us of the secrets we still carry for one another.

All of my adventures in the past two and a half years were with a girl named Clare. We almost share the same mind, thinking the exact places, people, or things. She doesn’t laugh at all my jokes, but that inspires me to be more creative. Clare was present at times of joy and times of sadness. Even though we both had challenges, we would unload the heaviness of it all and be happy together. Sometimes it is necessary to enjoy the bright side of today, no matter the obstacles you will soon face tomorrow. Frequently, you could have discovered us sipping on a large cup of steaming sweet coffee or holding a chocolate bar, snickering at a preposterous idea. Our favorite things were constantly at our fingertips as we learned to accept our path through the incomprehensible labyrinth of life.

We always seemed to find ourselves in one place, night after night. Decorated to our preferences, the rooms were overflowing with warmth and kindness. The kitchen, where we braided string, had a faint smell of whatever was cooked last. The pleasant fumes waft from that happy place all the way to my room. There we spilled our life stories and every flirtation we experienced, whether it was worth mentioning or not. The soft blues of the blankets kept us comfortable against the chill of the open window. We loved to enjoy the cool breeze and the view of the foothills as we chatted and chomped down on our homemade snacks. It was that perfect house, the kind that you can only call home.

The relationship Clare and I have today did not start off as a fast-friendship. The similarities we shared did not bring us together, but incited competition. A group of girls found us entertaining and would include us in their group. However, there were times Clare and I were excluded. Once again, we had something in common. Through that difficult time we learned we could trust one another. A tradition was born where we could bring each other our little addiction of bitterly enjoyable coffee. Exchanging clothes and every thought produced in our brains, we grew closer and closer. Beginning at a new school and learning advanced concepts can be overwhelming, but with my friend, we conquered it.

This bliss could not last forever. Not even a moment after I heard the news, I called Clare to meet up. Laying in the freshly cut daggering grass, the salty tears watered the ground beneath us. The frivolous gossip of the week was discussed at length through laughter, but we both knew it wouldn’t last. My crumbling world was hitting us like a steamroller and we were still standing strong. Life throws you in so many different directions and Clare was there to help me find my way. The distance about to be between us was much more than a road trip away, but we continued to be positive. Clare and I came to the decision that we must forget about the count down and enjoy the ride.  

Day after day, I fix the string on my wrist and think of my best friend. The one who understands me better than anyone else. Even now, the conversations are endless as we enjoy our dinners or get ready for bed. Slowly the distance diminishes and it feels as if we are still in the same town. Our connection never fades with the day, but endures forever.  

The author's comments:

After experiencing many hardships throughout my life, including the loss of my uncle to ALS, I found someone to help me through my pain. I felt that it was neccessary to share how we found each other and the journey we are still on together. 

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