Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear World War II Veteran,

I wanted to begin by letting you know I acknowledge and appreciate your service and sacrifice for our country. I will never be able to fully understand your experience in the war, however, I can tell you I recognize what you have done for this country and I am eternally grateful. 

My name is Meghan and I am a high school senior. I am writing to you because you deserve this. Your story is so important. You are important.

I have seen the Honor Flight movie three times and it warms my heart everytime. When you served, receiving and sending letters was the one way to communicate with friends and family back home. This is why mail call on your Honor Flight is so important, and I am beyond happy to be a part of it and give you my gratitude.

Throughout high school, I have been a part of S.A.V.E (Survivor and Veteran Experience) Team. Our team interviews World War II veterans in attempt to share and preserve each individual story. I learn something new through every interview that I attend. Each interview widens my perspective and provides me with something new to be thankful for because of our veterans. You have provided me with a countless number of freedoms. I would not be who I am today without these liberties, credited by your strength and bravery.

As a part of S.A.V.E. Team, I have helped organize a veteran coffee event, a veteran spaghetti dinner, and Honor Flight movie showings at our school. Our veteran spaghetti dinner raised $3000 for the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight so that veterans just like you may finally see their memorials in Washington, D.C. I am forever in your debt because of what you have given me through freedom. I could not be happier to help the Honor Flight so that they may provide you with the day you so greatly deserve.

You are my hero. You are a hero of this country. Leaving your family and sacrificing your life to defend this country is a beautiful and courageous commitment. Your impact on our country will never be forgotten.

Thank you,

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