Ramapo's Holiday season | Teen Ink

Ramapo's Holiday season

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

December fifteen; a Thursday takes place during the holidays. This event known as the Holiday Festival is a significant day of importance. It signifies a great day of true values. Specifically, some may value giving to others not as important as giving to themselves, but in reality, giving to others who may not have as much as one is always more dominant. The Holiday Festival is where students from the Roberto Clemente school in Patterson, take a trip to Ramapo highschool for the day. Ramapo decided to run this organization because it is the right and kind thing to do for others who are not as fortunate as Ramapo students. This organization does not only help out these little kids, but it means just as much to the moms and guardians as it does for the little kids.  For this festival, Ramapo students sign up to be an escort, as they spend the day with the Roberto Clemente kids.  When the day comes around, their students get dropped off at Ramapo for a day filled with activities. To start the day off, they get to watch a live performance with all of their favorite television show characters acted by Ramapo students. When the play is over, the kids make their way into their assigned classrooms for lunch. Now, the escorts come in to meet their Roberto Clemente kid. Escorts follow their assigned child into their lunch room classroom and get to know them. When they are done eating, escorts take their child to a different room to give them the personalized presents bought for them.  Although there is a thirty dollar limit to spend on these kids' gifts, most of the Ramapo escorts enjoy going above and beyond this limit as the Ramapo escorts feel it is important to give to those who are less fortunate. After the children open their presents, escorts take their child to walk around. The hallways become filled with happiness and joy as the bands play, people dress up, and desserts are distributed. Ramapo does the best they can to make it the most memorable day for the Roberto Clemente kids. In addition, there is a bouncy house, basketball games, and many other activities to entertain these kids. The best part about this festival is that the Ramapo students sign up to participate in this festival because they want to make these children feel extra loved and cared for. All escorts enjoy bonding with their little kid and making them feel welcomed in the Ramapo community. This event has occurred for the past fifty years and will continue to be a long standing tradition to help brighten the kids holiday seasons. 

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