The Cats Of Cadloon | Teen Ink

The Cats Of Cadloon

December 18, 2013
By Isaac Sobek BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Isaac Sobek BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swoosh! Slap! “Ah!” Mike rubbed his face as the sting faded.
“Be careful man! That’s the third branch to hit me this morning!”
“Well, I figured you would’ve learned to duck by now! We’ve been out here a good three days.”
They were hiking thorough Cadloon jungle on the planet Kaleit, the largest uncharted jungle known to man. Mike’s feet were killing him. Alvin took the liberty of treating him like a real newbie and wasn’t going to give him his actual boots till their fourth day. Luckily that was tomorrow.

Being part of the MCP (military charting program) wasn’t all bad though. In fact, most of it was good. Good pay, all insurances for life, and payment after services are relieved. Being part of MCP was considered a “contribution to humanity” Because of this, Mike wouldn’t really have to worry about financial problems for the rest of his life, if he was able to keep it of course. Very few survive MCP, and those that do, live very well.
“Hey Alvin!”
“Why don’t we stop for a bit? I need some food.”
“Are you crazy!?” exclaimed Alvin. “I’m telling you man, predators are everywhere!”
“Relax Alvin!”
Alvin tended to get worked up easily due to an animal attack on his first mission. People say it really messed him up. That he’ll never be able to fully recover. Not mentally.
Mike, a little annoyed, “We don’t have to stop. Eating while walking will work.”
“Be careful through Mike.” Alvin was clenching his gun. “The food, they might just smell it!”
At the exact time he spoke he fired into the air repeatedly causing birds to fly off and a number of scattering creatures to run off into the jungle. “I told ya they was watchn’ us.”
Mike, shaking a little from the sudden burst from Alvin, “Just relax man.”

The sun was beginning to lower and an array of different animals only noticeable by all the noise they made, began to stir.
“Wait a second!” Alvin as speaking in a harsh whisper, “did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“That sound. It came from up ahead.”
Mike reluctantly followed.
“What do you think it was?”
“What do I think it was?!” Alvin was quietly screaming now.
Mike, anxiously, “Yes Alvin, what was the sound?”
Alvin suddenly stopped. “See for yourself.”

The large, almost cat like creatures of what appeared to be the same species were circling one another. The two beasts had bodies that resembled those of a large cat. The difference was that they were covered in, instead of fur, colorful reflective feathers. Each one was roughly the size of a grown mans forearm and they were all streaked with blood. The animals had large hairless, and featherless paws with massive, dark gray claws that continued to retract and extend randomly. They began to create the most disturbing sound that, to this day, cause nightmares. And it wasn’t coming from their mouths either. It was coming from two large air sacks that could be seen inflating and deflating on their stomach. It was one of the most repulsive displays ever, and Alvin threw up. Suddenly the two creatures turned. Now showing their faces it could be seen that there really wasn’t much of a face, just a large fleshy opening that didn’t have any apparent set jaw movement. The mouths continuously opened and closed from a different and each time. Then three razor sharp fangs protruded from random angles and began clicking together rapidly.
Simultaneously Alvin and I screamed, “Run!”

The author's comments:
This a little peice i whipeed up in my spaere time.

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