Pretty Little Liars | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars

May 6, 2014
By Katie Rodriguez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Katie Rodriguez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This suspenseful show really caught my attention right from the very first episode. The viewer is immediately captivated by the ongoing mystery of who “A” is. The four main characters are lead on to believe it is a certain person but then there is a sudden plot twist and they find themselves frightened and confused. These four best friends, Aria, Hannah, Emily and Spencer, have been receiving mysterious text messages and notes from an anonymous person who seems to be stalking them. This anonymous person signs all of his or her notes as “A.” The girls are confused because this “A” person knows things that only their dead friend, Allison, knows. This teen drama is full of suspense and sudden plot twists it is hard to stop watching! You never know who to trust in this show because there are thrilling turns of events in every episode! It really grabs the viewers’ attention and keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. The girls are hopelessly searching for answers as to who this “A” person is. They keep getting lead on, only to be disappointed when they realize that they were way off track. This show really is addicting. It is so difficult and frustrating to wait an entire week to see what happens in the next episode! There is a great story line and great actors as well.

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