Young Royals Review | Teen Ink

Young Royals Review

June 8, 2024
By Anonymous

Young Royals is an LGBTQ+ show that in the beginning shows some conflict with homophobia. The crown prince of Sweden, Wilhelm, goes to Hillerska boarding school where he meets Simon where they both fall in love. The rest of the royal crown doesn’t believe in two males dating since no heir could be produced. In the end, Wilhelm leaves his place as the future king of Sweden to go be with Simon, leaving fans saying to a character named august who was Wilhelms backup, “be careful what you wish for”.


in my eyes, I believe if you like LGBTQ, drama, friendship, hardship, and fighting- definitely watch this show. In my books, it is a 10/10 and I would definitely watch again.

The author's comments:

An honest review.

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