1989 by Taylor Swift | Teen Ink

1989 by Taylor Swift

February 24, 2015
By mea13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
mea13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She lost him but she found herself, and somehow that was everything."
-Taylor Swift

I Could Dance to 1989, Forevermore.

Taylor Swift completely stunned the music industry when she released her fifth studio album, 1989, on October 27, 2014. I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of Swift's first pop album that truly reflects Taylor's pure talent. I admit I was a bit incredulous over the musical and lyrical content of 1989 when I heard the first single off the album, “Shake It Off,” but all my worries were vanquished when 1989 was released.  1989 tells a story of romance, heartbreak, and new beginnings, and Swift was, yet again, able to put common emotions into beautiful words that flowed together with catchy melodies, like the waters of a churning river.
Many of the songs on 1989 have risen to extreme popularity, and most people could immediately start singing along with Swift as she goes on about a “long list of ex lovers,” or players who are going to “play, play, play, play, play.” But I’ve found that the most captivating art on the album is found in the songs that the public has chosen to overlook.
1989 begins with “Welcome to New York,” a song that does a wondrous job at setting the perfect tone for the rest of the album.The song is this generation’s anthem for New York City. I can practically hear The Big Apple’s busy traffic and see its illuminating city lights whenever I listen to this memorable tune. “It’s a new soundtrack, I could dance to this beat, forevermore,” Swift sings in the chorus, preparing the listener for the rest of her “new soundtrack.”
Swift has recently said that her favorite song can be found on Track Eleven. “This Love” first came off to me as nothing special compared to most of the other songs on the album. Once I discovered its hidden beauty, like that of a pearl in an oyster shell, I realized that it truly is a masterpiece and lovely example of the lyrical content in Swift’s co-written songs. Lyrics such as “this love is glowing in the dark,” “lantern burning, flickered in my mind for only you,” and “high tide came and brought you in” are awe-striking examples of the breathtaking imagery Taylor is able to paint in just this song alone.
Taylor took me to an entirely different realm when I first listened to “Wonderland,” one of the three songs exclusive to the deluxe album.  Taylor geniously used Lewis Carroll’s enchanting fantasy world as a metaphorical picture of one of her magical relationships. The song is beautiful; its sound, style, and lyrics are unlike anything else that Swift has ever produced. The song is able to both haunt and mesmerize me every time I hear it, and perhaps that is why it is my favorite song on 1989.
Swift ends her album appropriately with the song “Clean.” Taylor embeds“secret messages” in all of her songs, and the secret message assigned to this song is, “She lost him but she found herself, and somehow that was everything.” This statement perfectly describes the meaning behind the song. This song makes me very happy, partially because I love Taylor, and I beam with pride over that fact that she has finally become “clean,” and also because this song gives hope to its listener, telling them that through the struggles that they face in life, one day they will discover who they really are, and through this, they will find their happiness.
These four songs are a marvelous example of the content found in 1989. I can honestly say that 1989 is now my favorite Taylor Swift album. While many were concerned over Swift’s change in genres, she has proven that her change was that of a former caterpillar, transformed into gorgeous butterfly. Taylor Swift is, undoubtedly, one of the world’s most talented women in the music business. Taylor created yet another spectacular album that manages to capture a myriad of feelings and put them into words and tunes that have made their mark on history, and will never be forgotten.  I will most definitely be dancing to 1989, forevermore.

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