Creed - My Own Prison | Teen Ink

Creed - My Own Prison MAG

By Anonymous

   Creed is a new band on therise with a great hit CD, "My Own Prison," whichincludes three amazing songs: the title track, "One"and "What's This Life For?" They all have a steadybeat and great lyrics. The songs really come down on you andmake you think about life from a different perspective."What's This Life For" talks about the joy of life,whether dying or living.

When I first heard Creed onthe radio I was amazed by everything they do: the singer'ssturdy voice and the band's creative guitar.

This isnot a CD with one great song; the whole CD is great. Creedwon't be a one-hit wonder; I bet in one year they'll be backwith more and their songs will be as good or better.


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Sep. 11 2012 at 10:45 am
MadamMercy BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
my motto is to keep moving

every time i listen to this song i just feel sad or start to think about the things i should not have donebut overall this is an very great song.