Not Too Young by Mission Six | Teen Ink

Not Too Young by Mission Six MAG

August 10, 2010
By mylifeisM6 SILVER, Encinitas, California
mylifeisM6 SILVER, Encinitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Always&quot; - Severus Snape<br /> &quot;We&#039;re five guys on a mission... &quot; -Mission Six

Looking for a band that's talented, fresh, and just plain amazing? Try Mission Six and you definitely won't be disappointed. The members are young, energetic, and as lovable as ever in their second and most recent album, “Not Too Young.” The album has five songs with five sing-along tracks.

Mission Six tours around the country, visiting churches and performing live, meeting new fans, and thrilling crowds. They have been compared to bands like the Jonas Brothers.

Though I don't usually listen to Christian bands, Mission Six has reached my heart with their incredible music, from lead singer Noah Hayden's extraordinary voice, to the beautiful themes in their lyrics.

The title track starts out with a catchy drum rhythm and guitar solo that's sure to win fans. It has inspiring lyrics like, “Yeah, we may be young, but we're not too young to change the world.” This energetic and thought-provoking song is sure to make everyone want to sing-along.

“Misfits” describes a powerful and moving experience that many of us have had: not fitting in. The exuberant melody and lyrics are easy to relate to and can make anyone feel as if they are in the band of misfits: “This is your invitation. Welcome to our world. We're a band of misfits.” “I Am Free” is a popular Christian praise and worship song, but Mission Six provides us with an exhilarating spin on the classic.

The band's musical talent was obvious from the beginning with their debut, “Superhero,” but “Not Too Young” is a clear example of how their musical ability has developed. From the heartwarming “Forever” to the invigorating call-of-action in “Stand Out,” there is a wide array of musical aptitude on this album.

What's the best thing about this album? “Not Too Young” conveys meaningful and ­compelling messages, the true mission of the band. The thoughtful lyrics are squeaky clean, and you can listen to the music without feeling guilty, awkward, or offended.

If you're craving some refreshingly good music, I strongly recommend “Not Too Young.” I fell in love with this spectacular album, and I am sure it will engage you too.

The author's comments:
Mission Six has been a huge inspiration for me this year. They are incredible, especially in live concert. They are very nice and they have good intentions.
This is my contribution to them, as gratitude for their amazing music. Thanks Mission Six!


This article has 5 comments.

megan H. said...
on Jul. 29 2012 at 9:14 am
Then look on Sundays for a show called ishinenet it has then on it. Also check out there friends the ruby's. I should know I know a ruby they hang out dailyband travel togeather

on Sep. 4 2010 at 8:56 pm
mylifeisM6 SILVER, Encinitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Always&quot; - Severus Snape<br /> &quot;We&#039;re five guys on a mission... &quot; -Mission Six

Gha Gha!!!!! Thank you so much! (:

Yes, Mission Six is amazing, they have grown so much in their musical talent. :D

And don't worry, I'll keep on writing no matter what! Thanks again for reading/commenting. It means a million to me. <3

on Sep. 4 2010 at 8:55 pm
mylifeisM6 SILVER, Encinitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Always&quot; - Severus Snape<br /> &quot;We&#039;re five guys on a mission... &quot; -Mission Six

Thank you sunnygal123! I'm so glad you liked my review!

ghaghalee:) said...
on Sep. 4 2010 at 8:50 pm

Whoa :) Great job with the review. I love the way you described their songs and your opinions toward them X)

You convinced me to check out their musics and I totally love them :]

Morgan YOU ARE TALENTED! Woot! Keep on writing! :]

sunnygal123 said...
on Sep. 3 2010 at 5:24 pm
great job! Sounds good- I should check it out! :D The review was awesomers. xD