Taemin’s Debut Song Certainly Struck a Chord | Teen Ink

Taemin’s Debut Song Certainly Struck a Chord

November 30, 2022
By lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Irresistible chords, beguiling instrumentals, and a melodic voice. All these elements are part of Taemin’s song “Danger,” the song that captivated his listeners ears and never let them go. Most often seen as a member of the group SHINee, Taemin made himself more acclaimed by starting a solo career, choosing “Danger” as his debut song. The lyrical genius and unstoppable dancer that Taemin is was very clearly shown in his music video for “Danger.” This song paved the way for Taemin’s successful solo career in the future. 

As the video starts, Taemin struts down the hall of an almost fully black and white parking garage as a smooth yet funky beat starts to play. While he continues to walk and comes to a pause, instruments slowly join in as Taemin’s spunky voice jets out over the music. The invigorating beat is truly unique to Taemin but can be sensed in other music. Michael Jackson, as Taemin’s idol, influenced his music and dance style. The way Taemin moves is almost mimicking Michael Jackson, while still making it his own.

Then, Taemin’s voice joins the instrumental as he sings “Bbum, bbum, bbum, bbum, bbum, bbum,” as if he is trying to merge with the beat. As he sings, his shoulders shrug, the timing perfectly aligned with the music. His use of the word danger in the song is graceful yet impactful as he bursts it out, adding layers of his own voice on top of each other. Danger is surrounded by one layer of his voice, so the chord he creates is perfectly made to stand out, as it is also the song's name. His melodic genius is continued throughout the entire song as he dances with true passion. Again, Taemin dances throughout the song, and you can see instances where he took Michael Jackson’s inspiration as he seemingly glides across the floor. In the main melody, Taemin stretches his arms out, as if he is mimicking an airplane and moves his feet so very precisely. Another aspect of Taemin that sticks out is his clothing and hair style. His song “Danger” was released in 2014, so the trends were different. But, looking at other artist’s music videos at that time, he was still unique in his style.

With the combination of musical genius and unstoppable dancing power, Taemin created “Danger” for the whole world to see. Now known as one of the best dancers in his home country, Taemin has made unique songs and choreography that has made himself known. Some could refer to Taemin as the “Idol’s idol,” with this song as the start of his incredible solo career.

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