Rage Against the Machine - "The Battle of Los Angeles" | Teen Ink

Rage Against the Machine - "The Battle of Los Angeles" MAG

May 18, 2009
By JacksonC BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
JacksonC BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments

“The Battle of Los Angeles” is perhaps the best album by Rage Against the Machine, and it marks the peak of their history, considering they disbanded the following year.

“The Battle of Los Angeles” consists of Zack de la Rocha's rap-influenced vocals blended with Tom Morello's innovative and neat guitar lines. I could spend this whole review just talking about Morello's guitar playing; it has changed how I – and millions of others – view the instrument. Simply put, Morello often uses these strange techniques on this album, and uses them to his ­advantage. He employs the classic kill switch toggle effect in many of his solos, and even has a harmonica-style solo in “Guerrilla Radio.”

Perhaps the most curious track on the album, “Ashes in the Fall,” has a unique guitar intro. It's a great song, but I am bewildered by exactly how Morello manipulates his guitar to produce such a cool sound. As always, the bass and drums were great, and Tim Commerford's bass playing was even featured as a intro to the epic track “Calm Like a Bomb.” Overall, outstanding performances by all.

The album displays Rage's signature anger and activism. De la Rocha vividly and graphically portrays images of the wars and domestic violence, occurring both nationally and internationally, through his lyrics. Like any Rage album, the lyrics are meaningful and charged. “Mic Check” is quiet in comparison to the rest of the tracks, but it still has that Rage feel that makes it awesome.

The album comes with four singles: “Testify,” “Guerrilla Radio,” “Calm Like a Bomb,” and “Sleep Now in the Fire.” “Guerrilla Radio” is now often considered the band's most widely known song, and it still dominates the radio today.

“The Battle of Los Angeles” is a great album, second only to their self-titled debut. It remains one of my all-time favorites and defines who Rage Against the Machine is.

The author's comments:
"The Battle of Los Angeles" is an album released by Rage against the Machine. It is arguably their best album, and was the peak of the band's duration together, as they disbanded the next year. It is a great album. Read review...

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on Jan. 30 at 9:48 pm
BubblyMetalhead, Carbondale, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and that they have open minds." -Zack de la Rocha

Okay, so it's been 16 years since this was posted, and no one's responded freaking out about how much they love RATM?! I completely agree with all of this (although it's really hard for me to choose a favorite album---I'd have to say their debut)!! The guitar is absolutely insane in this album, and I'm so glad to find another RATM-loving teenager, though this was written before I was even born, so . . . uh, yeah. It's amazing to find another person out there who loves this band as much as I do, even though they formed over 20 years before I was born and nobody nowadays even has any idea who they are. In my opinion, they are the best band of all time, but of course everyone has their favorites. I say that nobody can be a true RATM fan if they don't even know the message to a single one of their songs, but you perfectly captured how politically-charged they are, as some people overlook in the rush of the crashing drums and shrieking guitar and booming bass and fast-screamed lyrics. You perfectly captured my love for the band and how they play, and thank you for that!