simpsons movie | Teen Ink

simpsons movie

March 18, 2009
By Anonymous

The Simpsons movie is a movie that is so stupid that it's funny.

It starts off in Springfield in the Simpsons house. Homer brings home a piggy and saves all its crap in a silo in the backyard. He was supposed to take it to a waste factory and the line was too long so he just dumped it in a nearby lake that said no polluting. The lake was then poisonous and there were too many dangers to the rest of the world so the E.P.A (environmental protection agency) put Springfield in a giant dome. The town formed a mob and chased them. They found a sinkhole in the backyard that lead to the other side of the dome. They move to Alaska for awhile and then they here on the news that the E.P.A was going to blow up Springfield. They couldn't let that happen so they went back and saved them. Homer rode a motorcycle up the dome and threw the bomb out and it blew up the dome. Everyone was free.

My personal favorite character in this movie is Maggie. She is my favorite because she is very funny, she doesn't speak but her actions are funny. I rate this movie a 5/5 because it has a good story and it's really funny.

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on Oct. 11 2010 at 6:22 pm
sOmE_nIgHtS SILVER, Wayne, Pennsylvania
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Yes it's hard to write, but it's harder not to.

omg I havn't seen this movie in forever. I love this movie! Maggie is my favorite charactor too! :)