Mockingjay Part 1 | Teen Ink

Mockingjay Part 1

December 5, 2014
By Kanani BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kanani BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My name is Katniss, My home is  District 12, I was in the Hunger Games, I escaped, I am in District 13, Peeta was taken by the capitol, He is most likely dead, He should be dead, It is best if he is dead.” This is where the movie starts.  She is reciting this in the complex beneath District 13. She is still freaking out about the Games and how she was rescued and Peeta wasn’t. This movie was pretty good but I would consider the book. Also they took things out and added things and people in the movie. I would recommend the book. I thought the movie was boring and the actors talked too much and not much exciting things happened.

This movie is basically about when Katniss Everdeen decides to be Districts 13 Mockingjay, but she has conditions that Peeta, Johanna, and Annie get rescued at the earliest opportunity. Then she decides to go to District 12 and see the burnt down, nothingness District 12 that once was her home,  for her self. She gets dropped off and the hovercrafts stays in the air to keep watch. She is absolutely torned down by the rubble and the dead body’s that scatter the remains of District 12. When they get back to District 13 Plutarch Heavensbee decide they should make propaganda commercials that they called propos for short. They would make these to tell  the capitol that she is alive and well. Her first propo was really bad because she gave a line to say and she didn’t work well with a script. While they were eating lunch Peeta and Cesar are in a room in the Capitol and Ceasar is interviewing him. Katniss is so relieved because she thought he would be dead. His message he is trying to say is a “Cease fire.” Everyone thinks he is a traitor. They found out that there was a hospital with injured people from the bombings in District 8. She decides to go there to make a propo and not read from a script. While she is there people are whispering her name and she tells them it is going to be okay and stuff. Then she hears Haymitch in her ear piece telling her that hovercrafts are coming. They take cover in a bunker near by but Katniss and Gale climb to the roof and shoot the hovercrafts down with there bow and arrows. She makes a propo and her last line is “If we bun you burn with us!” That sparked an uprising of the districts and the first district to fight back was District 7.

While the Peacekeepers are escorting the workers back to their houses, A guy whistles the tune that Katniss and Rue used to communicate in the first Games, and all the workers climb up the trees and a guy yells “If we burn, you burn with us.” Then he presses a red button and all the peacekeepers get blown sky high.
Then Katniss and her filming crew are in District 12 and Pollux asks her to sing and
she sings the Hanging Tree song and all the mockingjays copy her song. They took a video of her singing it and that propo also sparked an uprising and people came rushing the dam and they blew it up and the Capitol’s electricity went out. After that Peeta came on the tv again and he looks horrible, he look so skinny and he has bruises around his eyes and he is begging for Katniss to stop with her Propos. At the end he tells them that they are going to bomb District 13 and he said that they will be dead by morning. Everyone heads down deep into 13, into the bunkers and waits for the bombings to stop. The next day the first couple of floors are burnt to rubble. And on all the rubble were scattered white roses.

You have to watch the movie to see how the movie ended. I liked the book better because it had more detail and they took out and added a lot of things. They took out the part when Katniss says she would kill Snow and they also took out when they found Katniss’s Prep Team being tortured. They started at District 13 not at 12 like the book started and they added Effie Trinket which was actually good because she was pretty funny. It was a good place to end the movie because it make you want to watch Part 2. I would read the book and then watch the movie and then see the difference. I would recommend the book more than the movie.

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