Seven Pounds | Teen Ink

Seven Pounds

December 26, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This past year Will Smith has taken on several roles as a superhero, the last survivor on Earth, and now a person who is determined to change the lives of seven people. Everyone knows Will Smith as the rebel from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, or as the cop from Bad Boys. However, this perspective on Smith will change completely after seeing Seven Pounds. Seven Pounds is a drama that brings out Smith's full ability as an actor. It may not have been the greatest movie I've ever seen, but Smith's acting was incredible. I never thought I would see Will Smith take on this kind of role.

The movie starts out with the main character, Ben Thomas, making a 911 call to report a suicide. When the dispatch asks the identity of the victim, Ben responds, "I am." The movie then goes through a series of flashbacks to show how he got to that point. You immediately find out that Ben had a fiancée who died in some type of accident. After this, Ben sets out on a journey change the lives of seven people, but only for those who deserve it. Along this journey Ben falls in love with Emily, who's heart will fail in a matter of weeks, and is forced to make a decision that will change his life, her life, and will shock who ever is watching the movie.

Overall it was a pretty good movie. The story was good and several parts of it were funny. However, it was a little to slow moving. You keep waiting for that one moment of action, which doesn't happen until the end. Unless you really hate dramas, I suggest you go see this movie. The acting was great; especially Smith, and it will definitely be worth your time.


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