The Breakfast Club | Teen Ink

The Breakfast Club

May 7, 2014
By Leon La Jeunesse BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Leon La Jeunesse BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Everybody has got their own views on what the high school experience is really like. I have never seen any movie quiet like The Breakfast Club that allows all perspectives to be seen and heard all at once. It takes the jock, the nerd, the popular girl, the extremely quiet girl, and the school rebel and throws them into something that all high school kids can agree on hating, Saturday detention. From first look is seems to be just another typical high school movie; breaking down barriers, becoming friends with strangers, and finding love, and of course leave it to an 80’s movie to leave the message of “sticking it to the man” in there at the end. However, this movie is more than that and deserves me saying that it is a must see.

Whether you are a person who looks for quality in every movie you see or just a casual movie go-er, you will love this film. The clarity in this film is excellent as the message and story line being told is very blunt and the film moves along very smoothly the entire time. For the regular movie go-er you will appreciate it because you will be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself with the bonus of having a great film being shown before you. For the person looking for quality in this film they will be able to see a deep message with an excellent story line that will keep you entertained and wanting to know more as the movie continues. The problems that are brought up in this film are not just the stereotypical high school drama issues, but are real and are things that the audience can relate to. Being accepted, meeting expectations, being noticed, unwanted pressure, finding love, these problems are true and strong issues in everyday life and will draw older viewrs back to their high school days and will remember why they were so important. Teenagers will be able to immediately associate with the characters and their feelings in the film. For those not in high school yet, they will love it because everyone else loved it. This film just has the ability to draw people near it.

Along with the story line, the acting job down in this film is phenomenal. Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, and Allison Sheedy do one of the best acting jobs of their lives. They play their roles perfectly without out doing them, or making them out to be something they are not. They do not overdo the stereotypes of their characters which is a problem actors have in teen movies these days. Emilio Estevez plays the role of the jock and shows off the ability to be young and confident but shows that even the cool athletes are scared of things and do sometimes suffer from confidence issues. Molly Ringwald plays the popular girl as she rocks the sass attitude but is able to show how the coolest girl in school can be brought down to earth and show that she truly is a nice person. Anthony Michael Hall is the nerd in the group and does a hilarious job with it. He acts all goofy with a big brain and not knowing what to do with it. He also shows that the nerd can be a humble person and bring everybody up while also show toughness and able to stand up to his fears. Ally Sheedy had, in my mind, the hardest role to act as she played the weird, awkward quiet girl. She did a great job of not over killing this character and placed her parts with perfect tone and precise timing. She never under played or over played her role as she was able to make her character go from quiet and unnoticeable to pretty and grabbing full attention from the jock and make it believable. The best and most influential character in this movie was the one played by Judd Nelson as the rebel kid. He comes in with his devil may care attitude and shakes things up. Right from the get go he gets the Dean rattled and pushes him to the limit. He challenges the kids to really look at themselves and each other for who they really are. In the end this kid was able to get the kids to change themselves for the better as well as he was able to see things differently and change for the better. These five actors would eventually become Hollywood stars due to the extreme success of this movie. They would become almost a movie package as they would do other good movies. These five would eventually become to be known as the “Brat Pack” whenever they made films together.

So my over all review of this film was that I liked it a lot. It is a great film that is not just a onetime watch. It is well done and will make you wanting to watch it over and over again. If you are at home, bored with nothing to do, watch it! If you are looking for a quality movie to watch, watch it! I do recommend that you do watch it regardless of anything seen as it is a popular film and an awesome conversation starter.

The author's comments:
Teacher made me.

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