Olympus Has Fallen | Teen Ink

Olympus Has Fallen

April 11, 2014
By T.Lively BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
T.Lively BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can accept failure everyone fails at something, but i can't accept not trying. -Michael Jordan

Olympus has Fallen: A thrill ride of a movie

Ever since September 11th and the war on terrorism citizens of the United States have been questioning and interested in the secrets behind the protection of the white house. Thus when a movie comes out with a famous actor having to fight his way through a shot up, terrorist filled White House to save the President; who wouldn’t want to see it? This more patriotic version of the action/ adventure genre is becoming more and more popular, most likely due to the ever so present threat to our Capital.

Olympus has Fallen is paving a new path along the genre of action/ adventure: patriotic. Looking at movies that are similar you have the seemingly copy (although not as well made) White House Down starring Channing Tatum, and the Die Hard movies which are barely hanging on the edge of being called patriotic. In these movies the main character is always skilled in combat and is faced with the task of rescuing a person or group of people from terrorists. Olympus has Fallen not only faced the topic of an attack on the White House, it also brought bold and fascinating ideas about an attack on our countries most secure building.

The films main character Mike Banning ( played by Gerard Butler) is a former Secret Service agent who retired after saving the President by letting the First Lady Die. Then the film goes to shows him at his new position working for the Treasury department; On the same day that delegates from Korea come to meet with the president. To the shock of the world terrorists from Korea then siege the White house by force while keeping the president and a few cabinet members hostage in order to get there nuclear launch codes. All the while the presidents young son is hiding within the house. Mike then rushes to the White House to help out. A few injuries and multiple dead terrorists later Mike has rescued the President and his son.

The movie Olympus has Fallen not only was 120 minutes of exciting action and unexpected twists but a patriotic symbol of perseverance and good triumphing over evil. Although the movie can be very violent, it can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

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