The Devil Inside | Teen Ink

The Devil Inside

April 11, 2014
By Cora Stoops BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Cora Stoops BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Horrific Is The Perfect Word For This Movie

Horror is an age-old way of terrifying each other with fantasies until we are forced to cuddle up with our old teddy bears and sleep with one eye open. However, the fact that we are so willing to is a strange concept. Is it because we seek a thrill an heart racing pulse or secretly want to experience a world where our imaginations (even the darkest) can be reality.

Today horror films have come along way. Recently the most popular type is possession of the human body whether by demons, zombies, aliens, or spiritual creatures. These movies are extremely popular with young adults. Most movies do an outstanding job to thrill the audience; however, some do not fully satisfy them. The Devil Inside is a perfect example of that.

This story and its significantly familiar story line: a daughter in search for a cure to help her mother get rid of the 4 demonic creatures within her, lacks the heart racing thrill the audience seeks. Instead it is filled with predictable scenes and outcomes. Although, the ending did shock many people but not for a good reason. Its sudden ending leaves people wondering what happened. Then the screen pops up telling us to visit a website to get more details about the movie. Who does that? If we are watching the movie we intend to watch the whole movie not half of it on the screen and half of it on a website. Lastly the cover? Who puts an irrelevant character seen briefly in the movie as the main character walks by as the cover? She has nothing to do with the movie yet she is on the front. This left me speechless.

I am not the only person to think this. Statistics show a 76% drop by the second weekend the movie came out. People were not pleased and angry about this mistake of a film. However it has come to my attention that they are making a second movie. Maybe a demonic creature has possessed these people into thinking people will actually pay to watch another one: highly unlikely!

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