Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

December 18, 2013
By McKennaA BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
McKennaA BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
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Suzanne Collins wrote three amazing novels. The series is called the Hunger Games. Now two are major motion pictures. Directed by Francis Lawrence, Catching Fire is the second book to be made into a movie.

Katniss and Peeta are back in District 12. After the nightmarish 74th annual Hunger games, Katniss and Peeta are still fighting for their lives, and their loved ones’.

When the surprise of having to fight to the death again is announced, Katniss doesn’t have much time left. With the districts angry, the new peacekeepers, and the Quarter Quell, Katniss has to take drastic measures. On top of all that, Katniss wants to keep Peeta alive. Even if she dies doing it.

Katniss is on the verge of breaking down when an unexpected death is played out right in front of her. She knows that she is going to have trouble keeping Peeta alive when she reluctantly joins with District 4’s Finnick Odair. Then things take a turn for a better ending, hopefully with Peeta back in 12.

Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen) is an amazing actress. When she was sad, you were sad. When she was filled with rage, so were you. I wanted to clap whenever something good happened in the movie. Peeta Mellark, played by Josh Hutchinson is a great character. Josh really embraces Peeta’s character when he acts. He really gets the caring yet strong character of Peeta Mellark.

The movie ends in quite the cliff hanger but don’t worry! Mockingjay part 1 is coming out soon.

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