Finding Nemo | Teen Ink

Finding Nemo

April 21, 2013
By Anonymous

Nemo is a classic for kids. Who can go on in this this generation, without seeing Nemo? This movie brings joy and moments of intensity and sadness that everybody loves.

The movie starts with Marlin and his wife looking at their eggs. There is an attack on the eggs and Marlin’s wife and all of the eggs were killed, except for one. That is Nemo. On Nemo’s first day of school Nemo goes to touch a boat and gets caught and taken away. During the search Marlin meets Dory, Bruce, and Crush. They all help Marlin on his quest to find Nemo.
The voices of these characters tell who they are. Marlin is a boring and stuffy fish, so his voice is dull. Nemo and Dory are both perky and exciting and their voices showed that. Bruce is a razor toothed great white with an Australian accent that shows he’s tough. Crush is a chill and relaxed turtle with a voice that definitely defines him. I think all of the voice did a great job expressing their characters.
Overall I loved this movie, but there were a few parts that I disliked. One thing that I disliked was the girl from the dentist’s office who killed her fish, and then threw a tantrum. Something I liked was dory. Dory was a funny character throughout the movie and I especially liked when she called a small jellyfish “Squishy”.
Nemo is no longer in theaters, but that is was DVDs are for. Look out for Nemo 2 that might be coming out too.

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