A Very Potter Musical | Teen Ink

A Very Potter Musical

November 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Although AVPM seems to be one of the greatest parodies ever made, is it truly a parody or is the meaning deeper than most feel it is? This musical is nothing short of satirical piece in which shows the depth and the seriousness of how good hardly ever triumphs over evil and that how people try to make light of horrible situations through laughter. Although the play as far as good musicals are concern are one of the better ones out there, many fans believe it to be a parody which it indeed is not. If anything this is a satirical view of the standpoint of life and how one copes with losses and life in general, rather than just some college kids making fun off Harry Potter.


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on Dec. 2 2012 at 2:02 pm
ScarlettRose390 PLATINUM, Hawthorne, New Jersey
21 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible, only unbelievable."
"Gotta keep doing it if I want to get better. Gotta stop doing it if I want to ger worse. Gotta do it sometimes if I want to stay the same."

Hm, that's deep for a play centering around redvines, Pigfarts on Mars, a dance number with voldemort, and the murder of Puff the magic dragon. I still love VPM.