New Moon | Teen Ink

New Moon

April 26, 2012
By JessicaQ PLATINUM, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Other
JessicaQ PLATINUM, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Other
23 articles 5 photos 28 comments

"New Moon", a beautiful adaptation of the award winning novel by Stephenie Meyer, is an amazing and heart wrenching movie.
"New Moon" is the second installment of "The Twilight Saga", and in my opinion, is the best one yet!

To start off the movie, you find out that it is Bella's 18th birthday. Bella expresses her sadness towards her aging since she does not want to grow older than Edward, who physically stopped aging at 17. But even though she is upset, the Cullen's decide to throw her a birthday party. During the celebration, Bella starts to bleed due to a paper cut. The blood results in Jasper, Edward's brother, attempting to kill her since the blood was too overwhelming. To protect Bella from anymore harm, Edward leaves Forks, Washington with the rest of his family, leaving Bella to become depressed and heartbroken for many long months. But during this depression, Bella starts to develop deep feelings for her werewolf friend, Jacob Black. Who will Bella choose? Jacob or Edward?

"New Moon" was a wonderful movie, it was romantic, yet it had loads of action. Even though the movie had a depressing feel to it, the director did a great job at portraying all the sadness Bella felt after Edward disappeared and never came back. Another plus was the amazing special effects. I absolutely adored watching Jacob and the rest of the wolf pack turn from humans to wolves. But what really made the movie fall into place were the actors.

Kristen Stewart, who played the amazing Bella Swan, fit the role perfectly. When Bella went through a depressing phase after Edward had left her, Kristen did a great job acting out the pain Bella must have felt.

Robert Pattinson, who plays the dazzling Edward Cullen, fit his role like a glove. He played the role of the loving vampire perfectly. Since Edward was originally born in the early 1900's, he has a completely different personality and taste in music and style than everyone else. Robert did an amazing job portraying that personality. When he acts, it does not seem "fake" and you don't "see right through him" since he plays his role truthfully, it is almost as if he is Edward.

There is a lot of hatred aimed towards "The Twilight Saga". But the hate is definitely not necessary. Some people only think above the surface and think the whole saga is just about "sparkling vampires", but it isn't. If you dig deeper, you can clearly see that the story has a much deeper meaning. It tells a fantastic and touching tale about two people who are completely in love with each other. It tells you about all the pain and how much sacrifices you must make to let your relationship really shine through.

Overall, this movie is amazing! It has an intriguing plot line and the characters are definitely relatable. The actors did a great job portraying the pain and depression that the characters went through. I would recommend this film to almost everyone, especially those who love romantic movies.

The author's comments:
Based on the epic novel by Stephenie Meyer, "New Moon" is an amazing and touching movie!


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