Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Teen Ink

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

March 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Imagine a college professor who spends his free time working for a museum collecting rare artifacts from allover the world. A fun life like that has to come to an end sometimes and it usually ends with a bang. A gun bang that is. Indiana is getting shot at by Nazis and helps a poor Indian village retrieve one of their most sacred artifacts a lost sankara stone. This movie is basically an action /hero saves the day type movie. I feel that this movie has good plot, storyline, mediocre acting and horrible special effects.
This movie is about a college professor who makes a deal with a Chinese business man. Indiana holds his end of the deal but Lau Che, the Chinese business man, lets him “get away” in his own plane and tells the pilots to bail when they are asleep, so they crash in India, where a village’s food has gone and evil people took their sacred stone and all their children to look for the other two Shankara stones. So, basically, Indiana gets shanghaied into helping the village get back their stones and their children. The acting is mediocre because there is a kid who is Indiana’s assistant and his acting is bad. The effects are really bad because it was made in the 1980’s.The effects are really, really stone age and you can tell it is fake and done on a crappy green screen because the people are real and the surroundings look fake.
In comparison to the other Indy, movies this one is maybe not better, but just as good. I like this one better because it’s a different plot. In the other two they were about Nazis getting Christian religious artifacts to help them to be invincible, but in this one the setting is completely different.
This movie is good because the adult acting is really good but there are two main children actors and kid acting can only get so good. The plot is simple but also interesting. The directors I would say compiled this piece very well. The directors decided to not make it such a serious movie, so they decided to add funny sequences so it is not completely boring
This movie is bad because it is not realistic, because Indy should have died a lot earlier but it’s a movie and he didn’t. Also this guy got bashed in the head with a rock and he still kept fighting. Another bad trait of the movie is that it is old and has bad graphics.
Now you know why I like the movie, even though there are some drawbacks. I would recommend this to anyone who likes action movies that come to a happy ending. Overall, I would rate this movie about 7.5 out of 10.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 2 2011 at 12:17 pm
JeremyHerbert PLATINUM, Fairview Park, Ohio
21 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Nice review, but the criticisms, at least to me, fall a little flat.  To call the special effects bad is shallow from today's perspective.  There's a charm and art to practical effects, which Temple used exclusively.  Honestly, Crystal Skull had cruder effects, even though they were digital.  At least when you're watching the original trilogy, there's some solace in the fact that everything you're watching existed in some form outside a computer.

And the Indiana Jones series isn't/wasn't that realistic to begin with.  I've heard that argument against Crystal Skull before, that it was too far-fetched (which it arguably was).  But the first three films intertwine religious powers, dark magic, and vicious cults.  The fact that Jones never dies is a tribute to the film as a reference to the older film serials.  The hero can't die; he's the hero.