The Bourne Ultimatum | Teen Ink

The Bourne Ultimatum

September 25, 2007
By Anonymous

The Bourne Ultimatum

“The Bourne Ultimatum” is the third in a trilogy of thrillers loosely based on the series of novels by Robert Ludlum. However, this third installment of the series varies quite drastically from the novel.

Once again, Matt Damon is phenomenal playing his role of main character Jason Bourne. Bourne’s intellect and cunning are significantly portrayed throughout the film, such as in his ability to pass under the watchful eye of the CIA without so much as a trace. In addition, his skills and techniques in combat are exceptional. During several points of the movie, Bourne is outnumbered by CIA agents and other foes, yet he always seems to get out of his situation, either through skillful fight, or deceitful flight.

“The Bourne Ultimatum” resumes where “The Bourne Supremacy” left off. Jason Bourne is looking for his true identity before he underwent the “Treadstone Project.” He will go through just about everything and everyone to find out what his life was like before the project, and what the point of the project really was. In his journey, spanning several European countries, Morocco, and even the hectic streets of New York City, Bourne misleads the CIA and deceives several assassins.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone who likes action, suspense, or just wants to go see a good movie. The themes of trepidation, conflict, and deception are prevalent in “The Bourne Ultimatum,” making for a terrific movie with enormous potential for further sequels to come.


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