The Truman Show | Teen Ink

The Truman Show

December 16, 2009
By AndersN GOLD, Park City, Utah
AndersN GOLD, Park City, Utah
10 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I saw an angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." -Michelangelo

Your life is normal. Your town is normal. Your spouse is normal. You are completely normal.

Wait--things are getting weird. It’s like the whole world revolves around you. Cars are only driving the side of town. People know your name wherever you go. Nothing bad ever happens to you. Why?

You meet the most amazing person. She cares about you enough to tell you--THAT YOUR LIFE IS TV SHOW! Wha--? Could this be true? Is she just insane? This person is quickly whisked away, never for you to see again.

This is exactly what happened to Truman Burbank in The Truman Show. Strange goings-on start to affect him, like a large, heavy light falls out of the sky, an elevator suddenly becomes a doorway to an outside world, and he starts to see hidden ads throughout his town. Truman can’t leave, for his town is perched on an island, and he’s deathly afraid of the water due to his father’s drowning long ago.

I thought that this movie was the best movie in the entire world. Filmmakers are running out of good plots, and are starting to do stupid adaptations and remakes. This movie is by all means NOT ONE OF THEM. This movie has the best plot in the entire world. People should make films like this more often. Jim Carrey does a fantastic job as Truman in this film. The whole family would enjoy it.

The author's comments:
Go watch this movie. Now.


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