In A Heartbeat Review: An Animated LGBTQ+ Short Film | Teen Ink

In A Heartbeat Review: An Animated LGBTQ+ Short Film

May 25, 2023
By Interweab BRONZE, Ny, New York
Interweab BRONZE, Ny, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"In a Heartbeat" is a beautifully crafted film that deserves recognition for its creative elements and impactful message. I stumbled upon this short-film while wandering around my recommended videos on Youtube and what a beauty it was. Each time I watched it, it  had me crying waterfalls due to its emotional resonance and simplicity. "In a Heartbeat" is a 2017 animated short film directed by Esteban Bravo and Beth David. The film tells the story of Sherwin, a young boy who has a crush on his classmate Jonathan. Sherwin's heart literally pops out of his chest and chases after Jonathan, revealing Sherwin's feelings to everyone around him.

The plot of "In a Heartbeat" centers around Sherwin's struggle with his feelings for Jonathan. The use of the heart as a metaphor for love is common, but the way the film uses it is unique. Sherwin's heart literally takes on a life of its own, highlighting the intense feelings he has for Jonathan. This adds a whimsical and imaginative element to the story.

The plot is straightforward and easy to follow. There are no real surprises or plot twists, but that is not the point of the film. The story's simplicity allows the audience to focus on the emotions of the characters and the message of the film. The animation style of "In a Heartbeat" is bright, colorful, and whimsical. The character designs are cute and expressive, and the backgrounds are detailed and vibrant. The film's animation perfectly captures the playful and innocent nature of first love. The use of music in the film is also effective. The score is sweet and playful, adding to the film's overall tone. The absence of dialogue in the film allows the music and sound effects to take center stage, which is a bold creative choice that pays off.

The topic of "In a Heartbeat" is a love story between two boys. The film is a powerful statement on LGBTQ+ representation in the media. It is a simple and sweet story that humanizes same-sex relationships and makes them relatable to audiences of all ages. The film shows that love is love, regardless of gender, and that everyone deserves to have their feelings validated and accepted.

The film's message is even more powerful when you consider the fact that "In a Heartbeat" was entirely crowdfunded. The film's creators wanted to make a positive statement about same-sex love, and they did so without the backing of a major studio. The fact that the film has resonated with so many people around the world is a testament to the power of storytelling and the importance of representation in media.

In conclusion, "In a Heartbeat" is a beautifully animated short film that tells a simple and sweet story of first love between two boys. The film's creative elements, including its animation style and use of music, add to its overall charm. The film's message of LGBTQ+ representation is powerful and impactful, and its success as a crowdfunded project is a testament to the importance of representation in media.

The author's comments:

My name is Liza Van. I am a senior attending East-West School of International Studies located in Queens, NY. This film has been significant to me as a member of my school’s GSA and it’s impact on various audiences.

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Minus said...
on Jan. 10 at 10:30 am
Minus, Morse, Louisiana
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Favorite Quote:
We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are. -Marsha P. Johnson

I love "In a heartbeat" its so cute and so well made