Devil | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By th3y_3nvy3steban BRONZE, California, California
th3y_3nvy3steban BRONZE, California, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't wish bad on no one, i want to see them eat just not at my table. "

Devil, it's an amazing movie if you like horror Mystery drama suspension, cut a bit of blood and gore I guess you can say this movie has a lot to offer. For a 2010 film. 

What I like most about this movie are the characters and their past oh so you 1 character which is the security guard who makes it so interesting is what he does and what he says during the movie and how he has a fear of the dark and every time the lights go out he starts sweating and gets worried and screams because of his past and the things gave him ¨PSD¨ something.

 that makes his character even more interesting especially as to how the movie keeps playing on. But what is most interesting is that attention from the start and it's going to be a little spoiler but just a tiny bit there's a priest who dies at the beginning saying a prayer and every movie that have watched, I have never seen something like that before happened and it caught me by surprise Secrets how does the movie start like that with a piece guy and him saying a prayer As in if they're saying he knew something was going to happen and decided to get out of there before they happen.

There is so much mystery in this movie it’s crazy we have about 5 characters in an elevator secretary guard, a businessman, a girl going to see her lawyer, an old lady, a guy going for a job interview it crazy thing goes wrong and they are stuck I’ve never seen a movie that does that. 

Everything goes wrong after something happens and no one trusts each other they all have their guards up and are ready to get at each other’s necks, this movie makes you question and think about who next, what going to happen next it’s crazy I highly recommend because I don’t like to watch a horror movie and this one had me ready for what's next. 

There is another character who I thought was interesting Ramirez who is another security guard watching from the cameras then what's interesting about this and what I haven't seen in another film is it they haven't brought religion into this because when he was watching the footage he called himself because it a Diablo While holding a Rosario The talking about legendary stories about the devil and his religion That's how bad it wasn't thinking it was fake when it's real.

On Rotten Tomatoes the score is 49% liking it in 50% people hating it I don't know what there is to hate about it it's such a good movie and I highly recommend it maybe my opinion might be different from yours if you would just have to watch it and let me know. 

The author's comments:

well, this movie was awesome and I would recommend it to anyone, what really inspired me to actually write about this, was the movie itself because I'm not really into scary movies that have jump scares but this one was amazing. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 10 2022 at 7:37 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Very, very well written! You know how to convince people. 5/5!